Custom Made Carpets in all Colours by Kaasvi
Custom Color for Carpet
Custom Color for Carpet

Choose the Right Colour

At Kaasvi, we have more than 2000 colours to choose the right colour for your carpets. Choosing the right color for a carpet can significantly impact the overall look and feel of a room.

At Kaasvi create your Custom Made Carpets in vibrant Colours of your Choice

The Mood

Think about the purpose and mood you want to create in the room. For example, warm and earthy tones like beige, brown, or terracotta can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in a living room or bedroom.
Bright and vibrant colors like blue, green, or red can add energy and liveliness to a playroom or office space.

The Harmony

Take into account the existing colors and patterns in the room. Look at the walls, furniture, curtains, and other elements to ensure that the carpet color complements or coordinates with the overall color scheme. Consider whether you want the carpet to blend in or make a bold statement.

The Lighting

Pay attention to the natural and artificial lighting in the room. Natural light can affect how colors appear, so it's important to consider the carpet color in different lighting conditions. Test samples of carpet colors in the room to see how they look during the day and at night.

The Practicality

Think about practicality and maintenance when choosing a carpet color. Lighter colors may show stains and dirt more easily, requiring more frequent cleaning. If you anticipate a high-traffic area or have children or pets, you might consider a darker or patterned carpet that can better conceal stains and wear..